Hopewell Mennonite Church

photo of Hopewell Mennonite Church

Updated: January 14, 2013

Hopewell Outreach Newsletter

For more photos of Hopewell: Angles at Hopewell Mennonite Church

Hopewell Mennonite Church was organized in 1899 with the help of George R. Brunk. The congregation has charted an unaffiliated, independent course since withdrawing from Pacific Coast Conference in 1967. Her present membership is between 80 and 90.

map to Hopewell Mennonite Church

Hopewell is located in Oregon's Willamette Valley, about two miles east of the little town of Hubbard. Hubbard is close to the Interstate 5 freeway, about 30 miles south of Portland and 15 miles north of Salem.

Feel free to stop in for either of our Sunday services. They begin at 10:00 in the morning and at 6:00 in the evening. We also have Wednesday evening prayer meetings beginning at 7:30. You are welcome to those also!

Since 1996, Hopewell's Mission Board (Hope Mennonite Missions) has had oversight of the Guaymas Valley Mission.

In 1998 (and in the several years preceding that) Hopewell spearheaded the development of New Hope Mennonite Church, formerly in Marysville, Washington.

BishopJake Kropfordained: May 18, 2008
MinisterRon Wolfer 
MinisterPeter Turnerordained: July 16, 2006
Ex-DeaconJake Kropfordained: October 29, 2006
Retired BishopJames C. Roth
BishopJake Kropf
MinisterRon Wolfer 
MinisterAllen Baer 
DeaconSteven Headings 

Hopewell and Missions:


Statement of Faith

Brief History of Hopewell

Quoted from an early 1920's book titled
Church History of the Pacific Coast Mennonite Conference District

Religious services were first held in the home of Daniel Erb in Clackamas County in 1893. Soon after this services were also held in the United Brethren Church near where the present church now stands.

In 1897, A. D. Wenger, then of Millersville, Pa., took an evangelistic tour through the western territory and looked up the scattered members. Finding six members at this place without any special provision for their oversight, he partially organized a congregation and made arrangements that Bishop J. D. Mishler, then of Eugene, Oregon, have the oversight thereof.

In the spring of 1899, David Gerber, then of Nampa, Idaho, spent some time with the congregation. Since the membership was composed of such as had held membership in the Amish Mennonite and Mennonite churches elsewhere, the question arose as to whether they would call the congregation Amish Mennonite or Mennonite. This was decided by vote, and the majority voted in favor of being a Mennonite congregation.

In the fall of the same year, George R. Brunk, a member of the Kansas-Nebraska Mennonite Conference, fully organized the congregation and received them into this Conference....

At a business meeting, held Feb. 3, 1901, the committee on grounds reported that an acre of ground could be bought from Mr. Bonney for $50.00. The report was favorably received....

The first Church Conference held on the Pacific Coast by our people was held in this church....

The first half of the first Pacific Coast Bible School, under the auspices of the Pacific Coast Conference, was held in this church. The latter half was held in the Albany Church.

The congregation, under the leadership of J. D. Mishler, from the time of organization until he moved to the Sheridan congregation, always held to a strict discipline, especially along the line of worldly amusement, the use of tobacco, and worldly apparel. May its influence along these lines and other Biblical lines continue.

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