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Living in Wisdom

(Proverbs 31:10-12, 20-31)

Lesson 13 -- first quarter 2006
May 28, 2006

by Mark Roth
© Copyright 2006

Is this lesson for me?!

If you are a married woman, you surely see some clear personal applications in this passage. You have a husband and you have a household. You likely have children. You might even have grandchildren. This lessonfor me?! is obviously for you.

But what if you're single?

And more difficult yet, what if you're a man?

This passage can still speak volumes to you...if you are a Christian. Christians belong to the Church, the bride of Christ.

In the Church, Jesus has a virtuous woman whose price is far greater than that of rubies (10). What virtues does Jesus find attractive in His people? Allow Him to develop those virtues in you! Strive to exhibit those virtues in your life, every day, everywhere, for Him to enjoy and glory in.

Jesus trusts the Church (11). He rests in the assurance that she will be faithful and true to Him. He knows that she will live solely for Him and for His pleasure. He has complete assurance that she will always do Him good (12). Right? I mean, that's all true of me and you, right?

The Church cares about the poor and cares for the poor (20). When a need exists outside, she does what she can to meet the need. She also meets the needs within (21, 22, 27).

The Church is strong and honorable. She is clothed with humility. The Church is willing to endure afflictions now, confident in eternal rejoicing yet to come (25).

When the Church speaks, those listening hear wisdom and experience kindness (26).

Listen to what Jesus (your Husband) has to say: "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised" (Proverbs 31:29,30).

Now live as part of His bride!

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