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Faith That Moves God

(Matthew 15:21-31)

Lesson 7 -- first quarter 2010
January 17, 2010

by Mark Roth
© Copyright 2010

Introductory questions to chew

How faithful and watchful am I as a parent? (Or as a child, for that matter!)

Do the cries of others push me across the wrong threshold?

Will I give up in the face of divine silence?

Is my faith (or hope) driven by a sense of entitlement ("God owes me....")?

Would God be overjoyed to let it be as I will?

What do I do with my issues, challenges, problems, woes, and troubles?

Does God get enough glory from me?

Who gets glory from my good deeds?

"It's all about Mark Roth," declared my detractor to several of us as he noted some of my accomplishments over 15-20 years. I was amazed...and stunned. And resentful...and hurt. And defensive...and dismissive. Later I became introspective.

I won't deny it: I like recognition. (I fear I often crave it.) However, I want by my deeds to cause others to glorify the God of Mark, not Mark.

Without question, my flesh is most satisfied when I reap some benefits for doing God's work. My flesh thrives on others' recognition, acclaim, and gratitude. But I want my spirit to lay aside that perspective in favor of doing God's will so that people may glorify Him.

"It's all about Mark Roth," declared my brother....

(My 2001 commentary on this passage: Jesus Manifests His Compassion)

International Bible Study: Works of Healing (Matthew 9:27-34; 11:2-6)

"According to your faith be it unto you" -- What results would I get?

Why am I so reserved about spreading Jesus' fame abroad?

When my status and station are threatened, do I unjustly become a naysayer?

When my faith weakens, what do I do?

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