2 Peter 1:1-11
Obtaining faith is essential, but I must not remain static in my faith (1).
To experience God’s grace and peace, develop your relationship with Him (2).
He has empowered us for life, godliness, glory, and virtue. If it has to do with real life and with being godly, He has given it to us! We get this by knowing Jesus (3).
His promises make me a partaker of His own nature. Those who are sharers of His divine nature will live according to that nature (4).
What I do must be part of adding to my faith (5).
We are called to growth (5).
We aren’t saved by the skin of our teeth (11)!
Our life here should be fully engaged in being faithful followers of Jesus (11).
Some words in 5-7 and 10
- virtue = moral excellence
- knowledge = intellectual acquaintance with truth
- temperance = self control; mastery of our desires and passions
- patience = constant endurance of purpose and loyalty
- godliness = devotion; Godward attitude that does what pleases Him; living in resemblance to God
- brotherly kindness = philadelphia; filial love (Seeee also 1 Peter 1:22 and 3:8.)
- charity = agape; constant, unconditional, sacrificial love
- give diligence (10) = endeavour (15) = study (2 Timothy 2:15)
All We Need!
“His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness.” God has generously made available to all of His children all that we need for godly living in our generation!
Why, then, do we fail? Since God has not held back any essential resources from us, it would seem we would achieve the “glory and virtue” spoken of in that same verse. Yet our common experience is of many inglorious and virtueless moments. Why?
Part of the answer lies in a segment of 2 Peter 1:3 that I have not yet quoted: “through the knowledge of him.” I believe in an intellectual sort of way that to know Jesus is to experience power and success in living. I know that the more natural and intimate my relationship with Christ, the more common will victorious Christian living become. Yet despite believing and knowing these things, my life experience isn’t one of growing, deepening daily fellowship with the Master.
Just what is the sum total of my devotion to Jesus; of my prayer communion with Him; and of my reading, study, and meditation of His Word? If I tried to survive physically by giving my body the same attention I give my spirit, I would surely die. What about you?
Please read the full article: Fruitful and Established
Additional Reading
(If you are interested in the International Sunday School Lesson on Luke 17:11-19, click here: Grateful Faith.)