Numerous times in the Apostle Paul's writings, he shows the contrast between
the flesh and the Spirit. The flesh is the hothouse of wrong desire and thus
of sin and all its consequences. Following the flesh, minding the flesh, or
walking after the flesh leads to a darkened mind and a dulled conscience.
Misery, bondage, despair, quarreling, frustration, hatred, bitterness, and
gloom are associated with the works and ways of the flesh.
The Spirit of God stands in opposition to the flesh and to all its thinking
and all its ways. When a person opens his heart to Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit takes up residence within, a holy war is declared on the flesh. There
may be no bargaining. There is to be no compromise. The Scriptures make no
bones about this: "To be carnally minded is death. . . . The carnal mind is
enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed
can be. So they that are in the flesh cannot please God" (Romans 8:6-8).
To be filled with the Spirit, to be spiritually minded, to walk after the
Spirit requires that we "mortify" the flesh, that is put it to death and thus
render it powerless.
When we do this, the Holy Spirit is free to do His primary work in us, the
work of reproducing the likeness of Jesus in our words, our attitudes, and our
conduct. This reproduction of Jesus in believers is the primary evidence of
the Holy Spirit's indwelling. Paul refers to it as the "fruit of the Spirit"
(Galatians 5:22).
The ugly truth is that too many people today are wanting the benefits of the
indwelling Spirit (satisfaction and joy) while still hanging on to the
attitudes and actions motivated by the flesh. It cannot be so. The Spirit of
God does not produce likeness to Jesus in those who are minded to follow the
flesh. War must be declared first.
When the Holy Spirit of God has His way in the heart of man, the evidence is
not primarily what such a man can do but what he becomes. He is a person
characterized by:
These qualities form the fruit of the Spirit, the day-by-day evidence that the
flesh has been rendered inoperative and the Holy Spirit of God has taken up
permanent residence.