Nehemiah, a man with a vision. Nehemiah, a man with a mission. Nehemiah, a man with permission. He saw the need, he saw how he could meet that need, and he asked for permission to do so. Mission without vision or ahead of vision is hazardous. Launching on a mission without permission is extremely dangerous. Ask God to help you keep these straight in your life. Let the good hand of your God be upon you.
Nehemiah — A Man of Prayer and Action (Nehemiah 2:4-8,15-18)
May the Lord turn our hearts toward becoming more like Nehemiah in at least this respect: When confronted with need, we too will pray before the God of heaven. When overwhelmed by our grief, frustration, and inability, prayer before the God of heaven will be our natural choice and response.
Nehemiah’s Prayer and Plan (Nehemiah 1:1-4; 2:4,5,13,16-18)
“The city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire” (Nehemiah 2:3).
- What is the state of the church?
- How strong is my attachment to my spiritual heritage?
- I need to care, just like Nehemiah did.