Matthew 19:16-30 — What would it take for you to make the choice that forfeits Heaven?
I’ve got to hand it to Jesus — He just didn’t come across as “seeker friendly” all the time. The event recorded in this passage could be among the exhibits portraying that truth. So I remind myself of this tidbit in Mark’s record: “Then Jesus beholding him loved him” (Mark 10:21).
That aside, I hadn’t remembered that Jesus “tossed in” an item not in the Ten Commandments: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” And He “tacked it on” after citing only five items from the Ten Commandments.
Well, after noticing that, I took another look at those five, wanting to see what Jesus omitted. He left off the “Top Three” (which are most directly God-ward!), the fourth one (about remembering the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy), and the last one (about covetousness).
I don’t want to make any big deal of this silence or omission, but I’m particularly fascinated by Jesus’ not raising the first three with this man wanting to receive eternal life. One easy conclusion from this is that this fellow didn’t need to be told something he already knew and lived as best he could.
Thing is, he also claimed to live according to all the other commandments Jesus cited. And Jesus didn’t challenge him about the claim!
And yet, the young man wasn’t persuaded Read it all