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Conservative Anabaptist Places

Conservative Anabaptist churches, publishing outfits and other organizations are hard to find. Especially on the World Wide Web. In fact, at this point I am unaware of any place being officially on WWW. However, I can tell you a bit about some I am aware of otherwise. If you have others to suggest, please send me pertinent information.

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Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1 John 4:4
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Updated: December 17, 2004


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      [Click for doctrinal writings by Mennonite writers.]   [Click for my index of online tracts by Anabaptist writers and publishers.]  
    Panting Hart


    The Sword and Trumpet (magazine)
    Box 575
    Harrisonburg, VA  22801-0575   USA
    Phone: (540) 434-1219
           (540) 434-4007
    email: GeoBrunkII@aol.com
    Keepers At Home (magazine)
    Sugarcreek, OH   USA
    Deeper Life Ministries
    Plain City, OH   USA
    Reaching Out Magazine
    Sparta, WI   USA


    Biblical Viewpoints Publications
    Northville, MI 48167
    Bible Helps
    Hanover, PA   USA
    Pathway Publishers
    Aylmer, Ontario   CANADA
    LaGrange, IN   USA
    Christian Printing Mission
    Box 623
    Sweetgrass, MT  59484   USA
    Email: jeraldh@telusplanet.net
    They have an interesting bi-monthly newsletter.
    Eastern Mennonite Publications
    40 Wood Corner Road
    Ephrata, PA  17522   USA
    Phone: 717-733-2757
    Fax: 717-733-2725
    Harbor Lights Publishing
    4161 Bethel Drive
    Summersville, MO  65571   USA
    Phone: 417-932-4407
    Green Pastures Press
    HC 67   Box 91-A
    Mifflin, PA  17058   USA
    Phone: 717-436-9115
    Benchmark Press
    1593 Pinola Road
    Shippensburg, PA  17257   USA
    Email: benchmarkpress@juno.com
    Phone: 717-530-8595
    Rod and Staff Publishers
    Crockett, Kentucky   USA
    Christian Light Publications
    Harrisonburg, VA   USA
    Lamp and Light Publishers
    Farmington, NM   USA
    Publicadora La Merced
    Pital, San Carlos   COSTA RICA
    Grace Press
    366 Kurtz Road
    Ephrata, PA  17522   USA
    Phone: 717-354-0475
    Fax: 717-355-0709
    Amish Mennonite Publications
    8509 Bayard Road
    Minerva, OH  44657   USA


    NYM Ministries
    Olive Branch Mennonite Missions
    545 S. 16th Street
    Reading, PA  19606-2508   USA
    Phone: (610)-478-0896
          Jay Fox, chairman -- fairviewchristianschool@juno.com
    Their monthly newsletter informs of their outreach in Grenada and Nigeria.
    Mennonite Air Missions
    7995 Saint Peters Church Road        |       Apartado 2569
    Bolivar, OH  44612                   |       Guatemala City
    USA                                  |       Guatemala, Central America
    Email: mamissions@guate.net
    Check out their newsletter.
    Read the account of a martyred pastor
    Christian Mission Charities
    Middlebury, IN   USA
    Christian Aid Ministries
    Berlin, OH  44610   USA
    Anabaptist International Ministries
    P.O. Box 127
    Guys Mills, PA  16327   USA
    Guaymas Valley Mission
    Valle de Guaymas, Sonora   MEXICO
    Conservative Mennonite Fellowship Missions
    64754 CR 37
    Goshen, IN  46526   USA
    Phone: 219-642-3220


    Would you like to know whether there is a conservative Anabaptist congregation in your area so you could pay them a visit? Well, fill out a form and the Extension Committee of Christian Light Publications will provide you with an answer!
    Hopewell Mennonite Church -- my home congregation
    Hubbard, OR   USA
    New Hope Mennonite Church
    Marysville, Washington   USA
    Emanuel Mennonite Church
    Santa María, Sonora   MEXICO
    Iglesia Menonita Paz Eterna
    Zacatecas, Zacatecas   MEXICO
    Iglesia Evangelica Menonita Sinai
    Calle Carranza #100
    Ahome, Sinaloa   MEXICO
    Pastor ---- Gustavo Verdugo
    Apartado Postal #24
    81310  Ahome, Sinaloa   MEXICO
    Berean Mennonite Church
    Wickenburg, AZ   USA
    Pastor ---- Lyle Kropf
    Email: lylekropfaz@juno.com
    Porter Mennonite Church
    Estacada, OR   USA
    Phone: (503)-630-6949
    Pastor ---- Edwin Bontrager
    Minister -- John Yoder
    Deacon ---- Nolan Bechtel
    Email: nabechtel@juno.com
    South Atlantic Mennonite Conference


    Maranatha Bible School
    P.O. Box 123
    Lansing, MN  55950   USA
    Phone: 507-433-6642
    Email: m.b.s@juno.com
    Sharon Mennonite Bible Institute
    7304 Lincoln Hwy.
    Harrisonville, PA  17228   USA
    Phone: 717-485-4341
    Email: smbi1@juno.com
    Faith Builders Educational Programs
    PO Box 127
    Guys Mills, PA  16327   USA
    Phone: 814-789-4518
    Email: fbep@toolcity.net
    Bethel Bible School
    1107 Backwoods Road
    Seymour, MO  65746   USA
    Phone: 417-935-4664
    Calvary Bible School
    HC 74  Box 282
    Mountain View, AR  72560   USA
    Phone: 870-269-8764
    Heritage Mennonite Bible School
    3214 Royston Highway
    Hartwell, GA  30643   USA
    Phone: 706-376-1200
    Messiah Bible School
    PO Box 18
    Carbon Hill, OH  43111   USA
    Phone: 740-753-3571
    Numidia Mennonite Bible School
    Box 26
    Numidia, PA  17858   USA
    Phone: 570-799-5660
    Pilgrim Mennonite Bible School
    55 Penn Drive
    Newville, PA  17241   USA
    Phone: 717-776-6073

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